Saturday, September 6, 2014

Perfect timing

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NLT)

You know, so often we get caught up in our own timing don't we? We are frustrated when something happens too soon or too late for us to have control over the situation, and we forget who's timing really matters! But it says right here in scripture that there is in fact a time for everything! I urge you this morning, press into the timing of God! He formed your heart, surely He knows how to care for it, how to nurture it, and how to make it stronger! We get so buried in our own timing that we stop believing that God even has a timing, and we get discouraged, but take heart! The time for joy is coming! The time to dance has returned! And if you follow Gods perfect timing, just imagine what He has in store for you when the time comes!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

At a loss for words

Sometimes it seems that we are simply at a loss for words to say, words of wisdom, of encouragement, of passion, there are times where they simply don't come to mind. I face this often, I look for words of encouragement to speak into your lives, and I am at a loss. That's alright. Sometimes, we need to take a break, press into the word, and study before we actually speak. What kind of devotion would we need if everything we said took absolutely no work on our part? I come to you saying this, never be satisfied with where you are, and never be afraid that you have reached the limit of  your potential! Press deeply into the word, into prayer, and into worship, the words will come, just be patient!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The joys of facing persecution

There is something wrong, when I see a believer, walking around living a perfect life with no struggles! This sounds harsh, I know, but it's true isn't it? We are blatantly told in scripture that those who follow the living God WILL face trials and persecution! So what am I saying? I'm saying, it is time to stop living in your little cave of "me and God" and start going out into this world and making a change in peoples lives! It is when we really start making a difference that the devil begins to attack us, because he is scared and knows we are a threat! 

Today, my fellow warriors, I am making a call to war! Come out of your shell that you have been hiding in, make the devil hate you! For it is by loving Gods people that this happens! I am calling you to make a difference in this world, to speak into peoples lives, even when it seems futile! Even if it means losing something dear to you! When The apostle Paul made a choice to fully and radically follow Christ, he had to face trials, he spoke to his students and he said, "I have been warm and I have been cold, I have been starving, and I have been fed, I have had everything I could ever want, and I have had nothing, and I have learned to be content in these things, for I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!"

Let's have that radical faith that puts us in want! That radical faith that causes us to have enemies and to face trials! And that radical faith that says, "I don't care about these things, for God is my strength!" Amen!

Fix my eyes

So we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6 NLT)

You know, we have this idea that all the trials, all the pain, all the stress that we face in our lives have an actual lasting effect on us...but it doesn't. The only truly lasting thing in my life is Jesus Christ, for what can mere people do to keep me from Him? 

I urge everyone this morning please, fix your eyes on Him, and the more you look upon His glorious majesty, the less this world can hold you down! God bless you guys!

Godly peers

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT)

Good fellowship, with God loving peers is so important! Who better to encourage you to walk forward in The Lord than the one who is walking on the same path? It is our God given responsibility to speak encouragement into each-others hearts, and to motivate each-other to Love like the Father Himself first Loved you! I pray that these words touch your hearts tonight the way they have touched mine, and that I can encourage each of you reading this, and that you will do the same for others on this road! Praise God, for He has put a call on your lives. God bless each of you. Amen.

Knowing what to say

In 1 Peter 3:15 it says to be ready to answer questions about your faith, to answer why you have hope! And I put forth this, do not be content with simply saying my hope is in Jesus Christ who died for me, but instead to say, I have hope in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! I have hope in the God who calls upon the broken and the weak and turns them into greatness, in the God who has so much love for His children, that even when they deliberately turn away, He calls then back with open arms and says, "My child was dead, but now he has returned and is alive again!" I have faith in the God who took 300 men with torches and pots to defeat an army of 150,000 trained warriors! And I have faith in the God, who sent His one and only begotten son Jesus Christ, to be beaten, whipped, and crucified, for me; if it were just me, He still would have made that sacrifice! Amen.

The time is NOW

The God of the heavens and the earth says this morning, "the time is NOW!" The time is now, to take back what the enemy has tried to steal from us, what the enemy has thought that he fooled us out of! The time is now, oh you body of Christ, for an activation of your gifts. The gifts that are promised to is in scripture, for 1 Corinthians 12 says, "A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have. (1 Corinthians 12:7-11 NLT)"

So gifts, oh stir in the hearts of the body of Christ, so I can look to your people, and say, "you, if you know prophesy than prophesy, if you speak tongues than speak with a passion and if you interpret find a speaker of the spirit! And if you can heal and perform miracles do it!" 

The Lord your God has not made a mistake, I look into your hearts and see someone who is scared to take a step, that you don't trust yourself to properly carry out the gifts given, but the King of heaven looked into your hearts the day you were born and He said, "Yes! This is my champion." And God said it was GOOD! So go, my brothers and sisters in boldness, and know that your Father is with you every step of the way, and He trusts you and Loves you so very much. Amen!

Strike back

Today I come with one purpose; to strike back against the spirit of abandonment, of fear, of regret, and of sorrow! I command every pain that is tugging on your hearts today to be broken in two, to be thrown so far away that they are not even a memory! In the name of Jesus Christ, I proclaim that regret is meant for those who have no future, and I say to each of you today that you have such an incredible future ahead of you! To abandonment I say, go, for you cannot be abandoned so long as one soul love you, my God does, I do, and so many more do! I speak against fear, the fear that you made a mistake, the fear that you will not overcome this hill, and say, yes, yes you will! To the spirit of sorrow I say, no darkness can stand in the presence of the King, the King of Joy and of peace, and of sound mind! I say sorrow, back down, for you shall not prevail! I speak joy into your lives today, for wherever joy lives, sorrow cannot remain!

And to each mother, each precious mother, who loves their child, and worries about them, and protects them, and speaks the truth into their lives, I say well done! You are a champion among us, I know it, and your child knows it, so I pray a very special blessing over each of you today, for you are so precious in the eyes of the King, and He will rain His blessings down on you. 


True Thanksgiving

I come to you with a question this morning, how can I not thank God for the incredible things that he has done in my life. How can I not thank Him for the beauty of the rising sun, or the intent behind and artists brushstrokes? How can I not be thankful for the people in my life that I don't deserve, how can I not be thankful for words when I don't know what to say? For strength when I've come to the end of my strength? How can I not be praising the King of kings in my every waking moment when it is so evident all that He has done for me, and all that He has done for you? How has being thankful become an outdated concept in this world, when that is literally almost the only thing that we can give back to God?

So this morning I have one challenge for you, to say thank you, to make a list of the things you know were given to you, and still be thankful for the things that you DON'T know! Be thankful for your difficulties and trials, and the pain that makes you stronger! Say, " Praise The Lord, for His plans are not my plans, His ways are not my ways, and His thoughts are not my thoughts!" For that kind of glory my friends, is reigning in your lives today, right here, and right now! And He is telling you how He cares for your heart, how He loves being with you, and all He asks is for you to simply know Him! And when you know Him, you cannot HELP but thank Him, because if you know Him, you know true love, a love that nothing and nobody else could ever provide you with! So thank you Lord, for always being greater than I could ever expect!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Who am I?

Who am I today? That is the question I would like you to ask yourself this morning. I am I prisoner bound by my mistakes yesterday? Or a timid child afraid of what may happen tomorrow? I for one, have made a choice, to learn from my captivity yesterday, and build myself today to be stronger for tomorrow. You know, in the book of Jeremiah, there is a verse often taken out of context. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, to bring you a future and a hope."

You see so often we read this from the perspective of someone who is in maybe a neutral situation, but it was written for a people who are currently in captivity, who feel like nothing can possibly go right! But The Lord has a plan! God goes on to say, "Go, thrive in this situation, make life awesome!" So then those people could say, "I'm in captivity today, and I will be tomorrow, but my story is not over, it is still being written."

You see, who you are, right here, right now is the main issue, today do you choose to shrivel up, or do you choose to go out, and be an incredible warrior who will grow from their mistakes of the past and learn to skip mistakes on the road ahead?

It amazes me the way that God uses opposites all throughout the bible to prove this point. God told Abraham to go out and sacrifice is one and only son Isaac, and through this obedience he became the father of many nations. God allowed Job to lose everything, to go through a literal hell on earth, and because of Jobs faithfulness, his nothing was turned into ten fold of what he had before! And God used the death, of His one and only begotten son, to bring life to each and every one of 

So this morning, who are you? Are you the man or woman who says, "Curse God and die."? Or are you the one who says, "I will make today worth something, thank you God."?

God bless you all this morning, I pray for strength in your lives, in any area you may be struggling, if it's with addiction, or problems at home, if you feel like you are in a lost situation, or anything at all, I pray blessing, prosperity, and strength over you life. If there is anything specific you want prayer for, PLEASE send me a message and I would love to pray with you, for where two or more are gathered, so too will The Lord be there. Amen

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The strongest Grapes

Sometimes in life we face seasons filled with trials and difficulties, and we can't help but ask, "Why God, why when I have tried to be so faithful must I go through these difficult times?"

I have asked these questions, and it's been answered like this; we are the grapes, the body is the vineyard, and God is the owner. When making wine, a few weeks before harvest, they don't water the grapes, by the time harvest time comes, only the strongest, sweetest grapes survive, and those grapes make the best wine.

Just like Job, sometimes God is testing us, pushing us to be stronger, to be sweeter, so that we will make the best wine for him! So take heart! Feel blessed in your trials, you are about to be used for great things!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Step of Faith

All that it takes is one choice, one step, to change yours or someone else's life forever! Do not be afraid to make that choice, to take that step! For we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind! 

Father, this evening I just want to pray over each of your children, to give them courage at every door that you put in their lives. The courage to open and step through that door, knowing that it is a mystery what awaits them beyond that door! Teach us to trust in ourselves and your spirit in us! Amen.

Little by little

This morning I come to you saying that you will not be where you are forever! The spirit flows in you, and you will not grow stagnant! I know that it feels like life is at a standstill sometimes, but I promise, every step you take you are moving forward, little by little. Be faithful in your patience, for those who are faithful in little will be faithful in abundance! Take every little step as it comes, and before you know it you will have made it far from where you began!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

You're an Overcomer

I'm begging you today, do not give up! God has such an incredible plan for you, and it doesn't involve this pain that you keep putting yourself through. It says in scripture that Jesus overcame the world, and I tell you this, when you allow Him to truly live in your heart, you have the Holy Spirit reigning over your life, and you too will overcome the world! Do not let this world take you down, but instead let Christ lift you up! There is so much more you have left to do. over and over again in scripture, those who wanted to kill Jesus could not do it, because it was not His time! And I tell you this morning, it is not your time either! If it was, you wouldn't be sitting here reading this right now! Stand fast, take heart, and know that you are an overcomer!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Growth in our wait

"Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you." Psalm 33:20-22 ESV

Sometimes all that we can do is wait and grow. Gods timing is perfect, the fact of the matter is, sometimes when we are waiting for something to happen in our lives that just seems to be at a standstill, it is because our hearts are not yet ready to handle the responsibility. So give it time, give it prayer, and continue to put every ounce of hope in The Lord.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Beauty From Ashes

Have you ever seen the flowers blooming from the ashes after a fire? God makes beauty from disaster, we just have to make it through and look for it at the end. If we spend all our time focusing on what is going wrong we can never see the amazing glory that is in the works through the pain. Time and time again God shows his faithfulness, he ALWAYS keeps his promises and he makes all things work together for our good. So next time something bad happens don't let it get you down, keep your eyes on the Lord and he will fill you with joy and with peace.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I am available

Don't worry about saying everything perfect all the time, your responsibility is to say, "Lord, I am available, use me as your instrument." It is that simple. The moment you stop relying on your own ability, that is when you give God the invitation to speak through your life and touch other people.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hardened hearts

Father, this morning I am praying for softened hearts. Soften our hearts to love even those who have hurt us, to follow your will even when it conflicts with ours. Soften our hearts to be sensitive to the people around us, and to help their hurts, whether they deserve it or not. Father, you hardened the hearts of the Pharaoh, when Moses came to warn him, and it brought about his destruction. So I am asking Father, do not allow these hearts to be hardened, only to bring about our own downfall, but soften them to do what brings you Glory. In your heavenly name I pray, Amen.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Lost in translation

His disciples came and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?” He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. (Matthew 13:10-12 NLT)

So why, do so many of us Christians so quickly jump to quote scripture for non-believers? Essentially, what Jesus is telling His disciples here, is that He used parables because they don't speak the language of heaven yet, and otherwise His words would be lost on them.

Likewise, when we so eagerly quote scripture to try to get people psyched, our words are lost on them, because they speak a totally different cultural language. So this is what I propose, we must learn to teach them in their language, because once we understand their language, we can then begin to teach them ours. That, is how we will change hearts.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Amazing God

In Matthew 8, a Roman guard asks Jesus to heal his servant, and Jesus says, "take me to him." But this is how the guard responds.

But the officer said, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come into my home. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed. I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers. I only need to say, ‘Go,’ and they go, or ‘Come,’ and they come. And if I say to my slaves, ‘Do this,’ they do it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following him, he said, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel! (Matthew 8:8-10 NLT)

The word I want you to notice in this passage is "amaze". It mean to be surprised, to be caught off guard! Can you imagine, to have that kind of faith, that catches Jesus, the son of God Himself, off guard!? For He hadn't seen faith like this in ALL of Israel. That means not even His disciples had that kind of faith.

So Father, I pray for every one of your followers today, that we may have an increase of faith, to actually amaze you, because you are so worthy of our faith. We want to be a light in this world, and we can't do that without faith, Amen.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Trying To Put limitations on God?

God can use anything to speak to us, we shouldn't limit him to voice messages only. Sometimes the smallest things can bring new perspective to us, and sometimes the same thing might not mean anything one day but bring you ro tears the very next. It is all about God's timing and our openness and willingness to receive in whatever way he has for us.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Follow now

Another of his disciples said, “Lord, first let me return home and bury my father.” But Jesus told him, “Follow me now. Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead. ” (Matthew 8:21, 22 NLT)

See here is the thing, if we are really committed to following Christ, we need to be ready now. He isn't going to hold off on His works for us to go and do our own bidding. We must be ready to give our complete sacrifice, and our complete attention to God. And then He will say, "follow me, you fishers of men."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Be passionate

This morning I want to talk to you a little bit about your passions. Those things that you take so seriously in your life and put all of your effort into them. I want to tell you that they are so important in your walk with God, because if you can put that much passion into a worldly thing, can you imagine when it is backed up by the creator of everything? The Lord blesses those who speak His name.

So if you have a passion to sing, sing with all of your heart, and praise God in that passion, praise Him that you have a voice to lift.

If you have a passion for sports, give Glory to God for the strength He gives you when you play.

If you have a passion for taking care of people, love them like the Father first loved you.

And in all these passions, just show God, that you are even more passionate about Him, and His love, because there is nothing that can compare!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Today, we take specific time to celebrate that My Jesus is alive. That you and I had our eternity paid for through suffering, through blood, and through ridicule. Today we celebrate that God sacrificed His son, so that He could spend eternity with His children. That He watched, as His pride and joy, bled and suffered, so that we didn't have to. In scripture it said that the sky went black and the earth shook! Do you know why? Because God was in such grief, that He shook, and His vision when black from the pain He felt. And He did that for you! Because He loves you so much, He was willing to put Himself and His Son through that pain, so that you could have Joy. 

So thank you Jesus for sacrificing yourself for me, and thank you God, for sacrificing your son for me. And I praise you, that He rose from the grave, and that He is living in me today, and that He is coming back again. In your heavenly name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Prayer for peace

I just want to take a moment this afternoon to pray a blessing of peace on all of you today. The stress of everyday life tries it's best to knock you down, but know this, that my God will knock right back when you call upon His name. 

So Father, just pour your peace out on your people today, show them that the troubles of today only last for a moment, but your love and your peace lasts forever. And when stress , and drama come knocking at their door, they can confidently walk away because they know that you will take care of unwanted visitors. And Lord, while I'm at it, I just ask you to form our hearts to know and love your people, the way that you know them, and their troubles. That we would be sensitive to peoples needs, and have a heart to help them through their struggles. And Jesus, give us all the strength to hang up our troubles before we go home today, knowing that there will be less when we return, because you are so good, and so loving. amen

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The starting line is here

I want you to look at where you are at this very instant, whether you are reading your bible, playing a video game, or turning away from God; and I want you to draw a starting line at your feet. Where you are, right now, is where your race begins. You can't stand idle because you are not in the ideal situation. 

I am guilty of this, God tells me to do something for Him and I say, " God, don't you see where I am? Don't you see how I've turned from you? I'll do it when I am a better me." And he turns to me and says, "this will make you a better you." 

What I am trying to get at tonight, is don't let where you are right now, hinder you from where you are going! Start here, start now, and make a difference for God today.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Keep Our Focus on Christ

Continuing on in my Peter theme from before:
"But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" When they got into the boat, the wind stopped." (Matthew 14:30-32 NASB)

Notice the wind kept blowing even after he cried out to Jesus? We don't know how far Peter got before the waves took hold of his fears, but even after putting his focus back on Jesus Peter still had to walk back through those fears to reach the boat, THEN, and only then, did the storm calm. Keeping our focus on Christ doesn't mean we won't have to walk through trials, just that with him we will be able to safely walk through them.

Defeat Hesitation

Why are we always hesitant when it comes to confirming that something is really God? It's like we think we either have to jump blind or turn away, but that's not what happened with Jesus. In Matthew 14:28 when Peter walked on water his first thought was to ask "Lord if it's really you, bid me come" and what happened? Jesus confirmed that he should come! If you doubt, don't hesitate to check that it is God, there will be times to jump blindly but Jesus won't be offended if you ask for confirmation!


Wait patiently for the lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the lord. (Psalms 27:14 NLT)

Any time the Bible repeats something you know it's important, and here it's in a single verse! Wait patiently... Not an easy task, waiting isn't so hard but we're alwayspushing pushing pushing! I'm going to try to just sit back and rest in God's love for awhile. 
As a side note, the way patience is on both sides of courage, maybe they are connected somehow? Perhaps waiting on him gives us courage?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Light the Fire again

Father, I'm calling out to you, don't let my flame grow dim, light the fire inside me again. Let every heart right now, be set ablaze with your Holy Spirit, in a brand new, and completely refreshed way! Let us heat your voice clearer than we ever have before, and Father, give us the boldness to step out in faith, knowing that we in and of ourselves are not enough, but it doesn't matter because our hearts are so convicted to do your work! Make a change in our attitudes, mold us so that we don't even recognize ourselves because we look so much more like you! Let every breath we take and every word that pours from our mouths be for your glory! Do not let us become lukewarm, for you said that you detest that, and shall vomit it  out from your mouth. Father, we love you so much, and we are so thankful for what your are doing in our lives. And Lord....bring us the opportunity to spread your love every day of our lives. In the name of Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Jehovah I pray, Amen.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Being the Light

It is our responsibility as believers to be the light in this world, because if Jesus is the light in the darkness, and we have Him in our hearts, we must radiate His love. For we have been told to go out, and make followers of many nations. The only way to do that is to love God and love His people. In 1 Timothy, we are told to set an example in speech, on conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. Guys, it is laid out, right there what we must do. God wants to use you for incredible things, and He will use you for things He can't use anybody else for. That is the very reason that you are one of a kind. So this morning, I want to pray activation over your gifts. That you never even knew that you had! One day, you will stand in front of believers and non believers alike and say, "this is who God is to me, will you stand with me?" ....and one day, those people will say yes, and they will never be the same, because you trusted God, and allowed Him to activate this gifts in you. Glory to God in the highest, His love endures forever, Amen.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I spoke to God this morning.

I spoke to God this morning.

He said do you know I love you?

I thought He was crazy,

Cause what God could love a man like me.

But maybe im the crazy one,

Cause I believe what He speaks.

He said I have a plan for you,

Don't you know that it's true.

Every promise I've made,

And every step that you take,

I will be there for you.

I spoke to God this morning,

He said I am patient with you.

I'll be there when you fall.

It seems sometimes like you are the only one that can't see it.

I thought He was crazy,

But the crazy one is me.

My life was nothing, and He made it something.

My plans were failures and He made me succeed.

And in this crazy life, where I make all these mistakes, 

He knows exactly where to stop me.

I talked to God this morning,

And He said I love you so much,

Now go and tell people, 

Because I love them so much too.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Alone with God

If you haven't yet already, and even if you have today, I just want to encourage each of you to take just five or ten minutes  to be alone with God, doing whatever it is that you feel most in sync with Him while doing. Whether it's playing an instrument, reading your bible or just going out for a walk with just Him and you. He is so desperate for your attention, and He just wants to talk with you.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

His love remains

I am speaking to you, you who feels abandoned, you who feels responsible for holding the weight of the world on your shoulders! I say to you that you, Can release that weight, that it is not your responsibility. I say to you that you are not alone, that when everything passes away, still the love of the Father will never fail you, and it will never run out! I speak into your life tonight because I have felt what you've felt! Know this, turn your eyes to the King of kings, and your frustrations will be wiped away without fail! Know child, that you are so loved, that you are so fondly thought of, and that you will never be alone! His love never fails!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blessing amidst the trials

Tonight I have a story for you. A story about a man that was born into a slave family and was sent down the river in a basket as an infant. He grew up with a stutter alongside the king's son. He was cast out of the palace he was raised in later in his life because he caused the death of a man. Then God said to him, "I will use you for great things. That mans name was Moses.

Another man, made a good life for himself, was wealthy and loved God. The Lord allowed the devil to kill his family, take everything he owned, and afflict him with painful diseases. At the end of it all God said, " I will give you increase of wealth by ten fold because of your faithfulness." That mans name was Job.

A woman who was a prostitute lived in a city under attack hid Joshua and his men for God, and The Lord said, "spare this woman and her family for her faithfulness." Her name was Rahab.

In all of these stories, people are facing trials , they are in situations that are not ideal, and God uses them to bless His faithful people. What I am saying tonight, is do not be overcome by your circumstances. For His ways are not your ways, and His thoughts are not your thoughts. We have to believe, that if God has blessed these people in their trials, than He must have a purpose for ours! Stand fast brothers and sisters, for The Lord blesses the ones He loves! And you are loved!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

When the devil knocks

The devil was knocking. He stood outside my door whispering lies into my mind. He told me I should just give up, that I wasn't strong enough to make it through the day. He said to just let my frustration overwhelm me, to let the day overtake me. All of these lies swarmed my mind, and suddenly, silence. I heard one sentence, loud and clear, "this day, will not overtake you!" 

Wow. As God speaks, His truth will drown out every lie the devil tells you. So tonight, please allow me to speak His truth into your life. This day will NOT overtake you! For Jesus has overcome the world, and when the devil knocks at your door, My God will answer and turn Him away! 

This day, will not overtake you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Undeserved Grace

There are times in our lives when we feel that we have failed God. We look at our actions and we focus on all our lies, our lusts, our thefts, and our pride, and we say, " God, I am not worthy" so we turn our backs, and pull away from God. But is is these times that He is calling out your name and asks for you to just come home. Truth be to, we are not worthy by our own works, but He has made us worthy through His undeserved grace! Just like when Adam and Eve hid from God after eating the fruit, so too we try to hide after our own sins. And again, God says, "my child, where are you?" And He calls us back home! Don't turn away when you feel like you let God down, you were never holding Him up! For He is jealous for your heart, and it is in your failures that you must strive back for The Lord, for His arms are open and waiting with His unfailing, and undeserved love and grace!

The Power of Weakness

Anyone who knows anything about my personality knows that I am not exactly the "planning type." Spontaneiety has always been easy for me, but figuring things out and laying it out step by step ahead of time?... not my cup of tea. If that is so plain for other people to see, then why is it that God, who knows my heart better than even I do, puts me in situations that rely on my weakest areas?   He knows what I am not good at and uses it to show me and to show others how truly great and powerful he is. His power is revealed through our inadequacy. Don't be afraid when he asked you to use your weaknesses, because it means he is doing something unimagineable..

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Letting Go

Everyone has been told that God takes away our pain, our shame, and our sorrows, and replaces them with his love, and mercy, and joy. But what people don't talk about very often is that God is polite. If we don't give them up, then he wont take them. We have to allow God to take it all away from us, Jesus died on the cross so that we wouldn't have to hold on to our burdens any longer so why do we continue to cling to them? If we can just let go, and accept God's healing and forgiveness, then we can experience the freedom that has already been given to us. You can't pick up the diamond in front of you if your arms are full of coal.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Breaking Walls

This morning, walls will be broken down. Walls that we the children of God have put up without even realizing it! Walls that we have out up because of pride, disbelief, walls of depression. He has come to break down strongholds! And when you have out up a wall that says "I am not worth it." He says, "my child, you are worth it to me." When you have put up a wall that says, "I know everything." He says, " I will show you how little you really know." And when we put up walls of impatience, He says, "I will be patient with you." 

So this morning, I pray that all those walls be broken down! And I command these broken hearts to be mended and know the Love of the Christ!  And I ask The Lord, to bring each and every one of us to a place of complete and total vulnerability, so that we may all humbly come to Him and say, " let me be a light unto this dark and broken land" so Father, praise be to you, the breaker of walls and conquerer of strongholds, amen.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

My God provides all of my needs

God knows every ache and pain tha you go through, be t emotional, or physical; but let me tell you this, my God provides all of my needs, for am I not of more value than a sparrow? Guys, don't sweat it, He will give you exactly what you need, right when you need it. I am just so thankful for all that He has done, and all that He is.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Justin Gardner - Focus on Work

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. (Colossians 3:23, 24 NLT)

I know how hard it can be sometimes, but be of good cheer. Working hard is all about keeping focused! Focus on the goal, the goal to every day work yourself to death, and then to new life, a life with Christ that is beyond compare! Father, I will always work my hardest at everything I do, Lord me it be my offering to you, when it is all I have left to give. Jesus, I love you so much, Amen.