Who am I today? That is the question I would like you to ask yourself this morning. I am I prisoner bound by my mistakes yesterday? Or a timid child afraid of what may happen tomorrow? I for one, have made a choice, to learn from my captivity yesterday, and build myself today to be stronger for tomorrow. You know, in the book of Jeremiah, there is a verse often taken out of context. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, to bring you a future and a hope."
You see so often we read this from the perspective of someone who is in maybe a neutral situation, but it was written for a people who are currently in captivity, who feel like nothing can possibly go right! But The Lord has a plan! God goes on to say, "Go, thrive in this situation, make life awesome!" So then those people could say, "I'm in captivity today, and I will be tomorrow, but my story is not over, it is still being written."
You see, who you are, right here, right now is the main issue, today do you choose to shrivel up, or do you choose to go out, and be an incredible warrior who will grow from their mistakes of the past and learn to skip mistakes on the road ahead?
It amazes me the way that God uses opposites all throughout the bible to prove this point. God told Abraham to go out and sacrifice is one and only son Isaac, and through this obedience he became the father of many nations. God allowed Job to lose everything, to go through a literal hell on earth, and because of Jobs faithfulness, his nothing was turned into ten fold of what he had before! And God used the death, of His one and only begotten son, to bring life to each and every one of us...wow.
So this morning, who are you? Are you the man or woman who says, "Curse God and die."? Or are you the one who says, "I will make today worth something, thank you God."?
God bless you all this morning, I pray for strength in your lives, in any area you may be struggling, if it's with addiction, or problems at home, if you feel like you are in a lost situation, or anything at all, I pray blessing, prosperity, and strength over you life. If there is anything specific you want prayer for, PLEASE send me a message and I would love to pray with you, for where two or more are gathered, so too will The Lord be there. Amen
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