Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Undeserved Grace

There are times in our lives when we feel that we have failed God. We look at our actions and we focus on all our lies, our lusts, our thefts, and our pride, and we say, " God, I am not worthy" so we turn our backs, and pull away from God. But is is these times that He is calling out your name and asks for you to just come home. Truth be to, we are not worthy by our own works, but He has made us worthy through His undeserved grace! Just like when Adam and Eve hid from God after eating the fruit, so too we try to hide after our own sins. And again, God says, "my child, where are you?" And He calls us back home! Don't turn away when you feel like you let God down, you were never holding Him up! For He is jealous for your heart, and it is in your failures that you must strive back for The Lord, for His arms are open and waiting with His unfailing, and undeserved love and grace!

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