Saturday, March 29, 2014

I spoke to God this morning.

I spoke to God this morning.

He said do you know I love you?

I thought He was crazy,

Cause what God could love a man like me.

But maybe im the crazy one,

Cause I believe what He speaks.

He said I have a plan for you,

Don't you know that it's true.

Every promise I've made,

And every step that you take,

I will be there for you.

I spoke to God this morning,

He said I am patient with you.

I'll be there when you fall.

It seems sometimes like you are the only one that can't see it.

I thought He was crazy,

But the crazy one is me.

My life was nothing, and He made it something.

My plans were failures and He made me succeed.

And in this crazy life, where I make all these mistakes, 

He knows exactly where to stop me.

I talked to God this morning,

And He said I love you so much,

Now go and tell people, 

Because I love them so much too.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Alone with God

If you haven't yet already, and even if you have today, I just want to encourage each of you to take just five or ten minutes  to be alone with God, doing whatever it is that you feel most in sync with Him while doing. Whether it's playing an instrument, reading your bible or just going out for a walk with just Him and you. He is so desperate for your attention, and He just wants to talk with you.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

His love remains

I am speaking to you, you who feels abandoned, you who feels responsible for holding the weight of the world on your shoulders! I say to you that you, Can release that weight, that it is not your responsibility. I say to you that you are not alone, that when everything passes away, still the love of the Father will never fail you, and it will never run out! I speak into your life tonight because I have felt what you've felt! Know this, turn your eyes to the King of kings, and your frustrations will be wiped away without fail! Know child, that you are so loved, that you are so fondly thought of, and that you will never be alone! His love never fails!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blessing amidst the trials

Tonight I have a story for you. A story about a man that was born into a slave family and was sent down the river in a basket as an infant. He grew up with a stutter alongside the king's son. He was cast out of the palace he was raised in later in his life because he caused the death of a man. Then God said to him, "I will use you for great things. That mans name was Moses.

Another man, made a good life for himself, was wealthy and loved God. The Lord allowed the devil to kill his family, take everything he owned, and afflict him with painful diseases. At the end of it all God said, " I will give you increase of wealth by ten fold because of your faithfulness." That mans name was Job.

A woman who was a prostitute lived in a city under attack hid Joshua and his men for God, and The Lord said, "spare this woman and her family for her faithfulness." Her name was Rahab.

In all of these stories, people are facing trials , they are in situations that are not ideal, and God uses them to bless His faithful people. What I am saying tonight, is do not be overcome by your circumstances. For His ways are not your ways, and His thoughts are not your thoughts. We have to believe, that if God has blessed these people in their trials, than He must have a purpose for ours! Stand fast brothers and sisters, for The Lord blesses the ones He loves! And you are loved!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

When the devil knocks

The devil was knocking. He stood outside my door whispering lies into my mind. He told me I should just give up, that I wasn't strong enough to make it through the day. He said to just let my frustration overwhelm me, to let the day overtake me. All of these lies swarmed my mind, and suddenly, silence. I heard one sentence, loud and clear, "this day, will not overtake you!" 

Wow. As God speaks, His truth will drown out every lie the devil tells you. So tonight, please allow me to speak His truth into your life. This day will NOT overtake you! For Jesus has overcome the world, and when the devil knocks at your door, My God will answer and turn Him away! 

This day, will not overtake you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Undeserved Grace

There are times in our lives when we feel that we have failed God. We look at our actions and we focus on all our lies, our lusts, our thefts, and our pride, and we say, " God, I am not worthy" so we turn our backs, and pull away from God. But is is these times that He is calling out your name and asks for you to just come home. Truth be to, we are not worthy by our own works, but He has made us worthy through His undeserved grace! Just like when Adam and Eve hid from God after eating the fruit, so too we try to hide after our own sins. And again, God says, "my child, where are you?" And He calls us back home! Don't turn away when you feel like you let God down, you were never holding Him up! For He is jealous for your heart, and it is in your failures that you must strive back for The Lord, for His arms are open and waiting with His unfailing, and undeserved love and grace!

The Power of Weakness

Anyone who knows anything about my personality knows that I am not exactly the "planning type." Spontaneiety has always been easy for me, but figuring things out and laying it out step by step ahead of time?... not my cup of tea. If that is so plain for other people to see, then why is it that God, who knows my heart better than even I do, puts me in situations that rely on my weakest areas?   He knows what I am not good at and uses it to show me and to show others how truly great and powerful he is. His power is revealed through our inadequacy. Don't be afraid when he asked you to use your weaknesses, because it means he is doing something unimagineable..

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Letting Go

Everyone has been told that God takes away our pain, our shame, and our sorrows, and replaces them with his love, and mercy, and joy. But what people don't talk about very often is that God is polite. If we don't give them up, then he wont take them. We have to allow God to take it all away from us, Jesus died on the cross so that we wouldn't have to hold on to our burdens any longer so why do we continue to cling to them? If we can just let go, and accept God's healing and forgiveness, then we can experience the freedom that has already been given to us. You can't pick up the diamond in front of you if your arms are full of coal.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Breaking Walls

This morning, walls will be broken down. Walls that we the children of God have put up without even realizing it! Walls that we have out up because of pride, disbelief, walls of depression. He has come to break down strongholds! And when you have out up a wall that says "I am not worth it." He says, "my child, you are worth it to me." When you have put up a wall that says, "I know everything." He says, " I will show you how little you really know." And when we put up walls of impatience, He says, "I will be patient with you." 

So this morning, I pray that all those walls be broken down! And I command these broken hearts to be mended and know the Love of the Christ!  And I ask The Lord, to bring each and every one of us to a place of complete and total vulnerability, so that we may all humbly come to Him and say, " let me be a light unto this dark and broken land" so Father, praise be to you, the breaker of walls and conquerer of strongholds, amen.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

My God provides all of my needs

God knows every ache and pain tha you go through, be t emotional, or physical; but let me tell you this, my God provides all of my needs, for am I not of more value than a sparrow? Guys, don't sweat it, He will give you exactly what you need, right when you need it. I am just so thankful for all that He has done, and all that He is.